The labor markets around the world constantly go through unexpected changes and the
recruitment sector is in a constant struggle to cope up with these changes. Currently the
pandemic has left the labor market with an alarmingly high employment rate.
At first it looked like a boom to the recruitment industry with a large number of candidate pools
to choose from. But with the increased number of employment options for the job seekers, the
recruiters now find it hard to find the right skilled for the right job. Like always qualified talent still
remains to be a scarce and precious commodity in the market.
In this situation it is necessary for job seekers to stand out from the crowd and make themselves
the right choice for the job options they are considering. This makes the job easier for both
recruiters and the job seekers. In the labor market a job seeker will always be considered as a
commodity and this is why like any other commodity a job seeker should create themselves into
a personal brand. For example, a person with a background in communications can still apply
for a job in the hospitality industry if he is able to showcase his transferable skills in a way that
will be relevant for the role he is applying for.
Moreover, a job seeker should ensure that they are active in their professional networking. In an
age of instagram and TikTok’s ruling the social media, it is necessary to draw the professional
boundary while actively networking with other professionals. It is a very loud fact that job
seekers who actively involve themselves to platforms related to their interests stand out from the
rest of the applicants (even from the ones who might have more educational background related
to the job).
These concepts are just basic factors that anyone can follow during their time of active or
passive job seeking. Regardless of changes to the job market or recruiting technology, job
seekers who indulge themselves in active learning and follow a dedicated quest for keeping
themselves up to date will have the greatest success transitioning into the workforce.